George Floyd’s death shouldn’t divide us. It’s a wake up call to rally around the principles that should unite us.

These are highly-emotional times, and anger is everywhere.
Anger about the unspeakable death of George Floyd, anger at a president who doesn’t “get” the powder keg this county is sitting on, anger at the opportunists who exploit our pain. I read my social media feeds and see outrage from people who want a better world and are incensed at those they blame for making the world as shitty as it is now.
But in these times, I think we should be gentle with each other. In these times, we need to remember that we’re all Americans riding the same waves, even if we’re in different boats. As hard as it is, I think we need to spread love, even when others are spreading hate.
I’m compelled to say this because I’ve recently gotten a glimpse of what it’s like to be seen as the “other,” and it’s been a rude awakening.
I‘ve seen what it’s like to come from a place of good intentions and speak my “truth,” only to be verbally assaulted and insulted by other well-intentioned people who consider themselves tolerant and accepting of diversity — people whose idea of acceptance is limited to those who agree with what they believe is “right.” A few of my well-meaning, tolerant friends have even become surprisingly abusive in their language and behavior. Recently, I had to block a Facebook friend who wasn’t a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist, but who was just as intimidating and abusive — in a different way. His comments to me were horribly demeaning, alienating and disempowering. I hated to block him, but it was necessary because he couldn't find it with himself to disagree with me respectfully.
He became the antithesis of the tolerance he preaches, and he didn't even realize it.
So what I’m saying is that the situation we face now is much, much more complicated than it may seem on the surface. And it deeply saddens me.
It also makes me wonder if the way out of this madness is to accept that reaching common ground may not necessarily require us to agree on “common facts.” There’s so much fear and anger, so many hidden agendas and biases, that it may not be possible for us to agree on “common facts" anymore — because it’s just so damn hard to know what the truth is or who we can trust!
So maybe the best path forward is to respectfully hear the thoughts and opinions of others, graciously, and even if we disagree with them, ask ourselves: “Okay, but what DO we agree on?” Instead of focusing on the issues, opinions and “facts” that divide us, maybe we should instead ask ourselves what is it that UNITES us?
I think if people of all colors, classes and political stripes asked these questions, we would find that we agree on a few core principles that we can all rally around. And if we can unite around these core principles, maybe we can start to make this country a better place. I sincerely believe we’re not as different from each other as it seems. But this isn’t a narrative the media advances, and it’s not one that social media facilitates.
I think something ancient within us is dying now, and it’s an extremely painful process. As it dies, I think we will have the opportunity to give birth to something very beautiful. But that can’t happen if we see each other as enemies during this critical time, if we allow Floyd’s tragic death to further divide us.
I believe Floyd's death goes beyond police brutality against black people. It’s emblematic of a much deeper wound, but we can’t begin to heal that wound if we continue to alienate ourselves: black vs white; civilians vs police; Democrat vs Republicans; Antifa vs white supremacists.
We have at our fingertips the opportunity to stage a MUCH bigger movement, one that can advance the condition of hundreds of millions of people worldwide — of every race, color, and sexual orientation — if we can just stop focusing on the things we disagree on an instead focus on the few things almost all of us agree on:
1. Tolerance and respect for all thoughts and opinions
2. Equality for people of all races
3. Making the world a better place for our children
4. And most importantly, ending a predatory economic System that pits us against each other and keeps us from practicing #1, #2, and #3.
Stay safe, be well, and please try to love and be gentle with others. Even when it hurts.