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Monica Harris
Thought Leader Author Attorney
I awakened to the illusions,
ditched corporate America,
and found happiness in the Montana woods


Monica Harris
Jul 14, 202211 min read
Americans Can't Afford to Sit This Out. The Time To Resist Is Upon Us.
As the System implodes, elites will do everything they can to keep us from realizing our true power [NOTE: Wanted to share the good news:...
430 views9 comments

Monica Harris
Feb 12, 20228 min read
When Yesterday's "Misinformation" Becomes Tomorrow's Headlines
Are rapidly shifting COVID policies a sign of changing “science” or merely proof that “science” has been politicized? If you’ve been...
436 views30 comments

Monica Harris
Jan 19, 202210 min read
Raising a Child While the World Burns
One of the most important things we can teach our kids now is the ability to think for themselves I find it odd that as our world becomes...
202 views9 comments

Monica Harris
Dec 30, 202112 min read
When a Black Woman Loses Her Tribe
As a woman of color, why do I feel alienated from progressive friends who used to be my biggest allies? I’m not saying it’s tough to be a...
800 views15 comments

Monica Harris
Oct 12, 202133 min read
We’ve All Been Playing Along With a Distorted Reality, and We Need to Stop NOW
“The masses have never thirsted after the truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to...
341 views3 comments

Monica Harris
Aug 26, 20217 min read
What the FDA Isn't Telling Us
The agency isn’t being transparent about its approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine — and the proof is buried in the fine print In the...
3,663 views78 comments

Monica Harris
Aug 13, 20213 min read
If You're Wondering Why More Americans Are Skeptical of What They're Being Told, Allow Me to Explain
Any reasonable person who pulls focus can see that NOTHING that's happened in the last 20 years has made any sense Every morning I wake...
266 views13 comments

Monica Harris
Aug 5, 20218 min read
Why So Many Americans Are Resisting a Vaccine Mandate
They’re asking questions, and they’re not getting answers that make sense to them If we’re going to get through this pandemic in one...
3,830 views54 comments

Monica Harris
Jun 26, 20218 min read
The Joys of Perma-Renting a/k/a Getting America Comfortable With Serfdom
When the media starts pushing the perks of renting, you know we’re heading toward a feudal society Last week I came across a Bloomberg...
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Monica Harris
May 26, 20219 min read
Are We Living in the Early Years of "The Handmaid's Tale"?
Margaret Atwood’s America might be a wake up call to resist our “new normal” As a lawyer, I’ve been trained to spot problems and point...
237 views6 comments

Monica Harris
Apr 24, 20217 min read
This is Why It's Almost Impossible to Trust the Mainstream Media Now
Journalists are giving us news and “facts” based on self-interest and groupthink Not long after the world locked down last year, a story...
358 views7 comments

Monica Harris
Mar 28, 20217 min read
Americans Will Soon Face a Bigger Threat to Their Survival Than COVID
A few weeks ago my partner and I made an offer on a house. It was an 1,800 square foot home, built in 1954, on a quiet street in a middle...
230 views10 comments

Monica Harris
Feb 28, 20217 min read
The Antiracist Quagmire
Well-meaning white people should focus on being anticlassist, not antiracist Human beings are funny creatures. We’re often reluctant to...
219 views14 comments

Monica Harris
Feb 8, 20216 min read
Mainstream Media Are in Big Trouble, and They Know It
Fewer than half of all Americans trust the news they're supposed to trust. But the media has a plan to fix that. According to the newly...
89 views8 comments

Monica Harris
Jan 31, 20216 min read
Wall Street Teams Up With Little Tech to Stop the GameStop Revolution
You may have heard some fuss in the past few days about a company called GameStop and the crisis it's causing on Wall Street. You may...
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Monica Harris
Jan 26, 20215 min read
How Can We Heal If We Can't Even Talk to Each Other?
“My lips are moving and the sound’s coming out The words are audible but I have my doubts That you realize what has been said You look at...
67 views4 comments

Monica Harris
Dec 18, 20207 min read
Conspiracy Theories Are Running Wild - But It's Not Because People Have Gone Crazy
Rampant censorship is breeding paranoia and mistrust in America According to the The Washington Post, nearly half of Americans today...
119 views2 comments

Monica Harris
Nov 23, 20208 min read
A Handful of Private Companies Control Our Elections. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Russian meddling was bad, but this is a lot worse — and corporate-owned media is downplaying the problem (Youngrae Kim / Chicago Tribune)...
104 views2 comments

Monica Harris
Nov 3, 20207 min read
Are Pollsters Gaslighting Us?
Could the 2020 presidential race be a WHOLE lot closer than “experts” are telling us? If this election season were a movie, it would look...
75 views2 comments

Monica Harris
Oct 8, 20207 min read
Anyone Who Thinks Democracy Wasn't in Big Trouble Until Now Hasn't Been Paying Attention
Our freedoms were on life support long before Trump showed up. But no one was freaking out. America is in panic mode. The desperate pleas...
186 views6 comments
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